Oh, to be 22 years old again! All of my body parts firm, none of my joints creaky. And the energy – tons of it! But would I really want to be in my early twenties again? Eh, probably not, but it’s fun to imagine what I would say if I could travel in a…
Workplace Issues
How to Foster a Coaching Culture in Your Company
Does your organization foster a culture of coaching? If not, it could be lagging in market performance, according to the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp). Research from their report Creating a Coaching Culture indicates that companies with a strong organizational focus on coaching outperform their industry competitors. There are additional benefits as well. According to…
Women as Mentors: Squashing the Queen Bee Myth
Do you work for a “Queen Bee?” This label, coined in the 1970’s by researchers at the University of Michigan, describes the phenomenon of a high-ranking female working in a male-dominated industry who does everything she can to thwart the rise of female colleagues. Is the Queen Bee a myth, or does she really exist?…
Creating Positive Ripples for Women in Leadership
About a month ago, I got an email from my colleague and fellow Character-Based Leader co-author Jane Perdue. She wrote, “It’s always rewarding to see deserving women and persons of color—past and present—receive recognition for their contributions and accomplishments during Black and Women’s History Months. Yet . . . Do you ever wonder what women,…
Corporate Culture and Office Design: What Does Your Company Stand For?
What does your office’s physical space say about your company’s culture? Is it a testament to the values that your organization espouses? Every company, from the smallest upstart, to multinational behemoths, telegraphs what is truly important to them in the way they configure the spaces in which their workers eat, meet, analyze and socialize. In…