A few years ago, I interviewed Kevin Kruse for his book Employee Engagement is for Everyone. Kevin is the author of several books, one of which hit the New York Times best seller list. Kevin writes a weekly leadership column for Forbes, and was an Inc. 500 entrepreneur. When we talked, I immediately liked Kevin’s…
Workplace Issues
Giving Praise as a Way to Increase Your Happiness
Are you a praise giver or taker? How you respond may offer a clue into your level of happiness at work. Happiness researcher Shawn Achor has made a name for himself studying the many facets of happiness. His research has uncovered a startling connection between praise and happiness: the more praise you give, the happier…
Michael J. Fox’s Life Lessons on Work, Optimism, and Choice
“I’m going to a conference next month and the keynote speaker is Michael J. Fox.” “Cool! Although, I just saw on Facebook that his health isn’t very good. I hope he’s able to make the event.” Such was the conversation I had several weeks ago with a friend. I’d seen the post about Michael J….
6 Reasons Why #WorkHuman 2017 is a Must for Your Leadership Team
They had me at “make work more human.” I’ll admit it, I was already sold on Globoforce’s WorkHuman 2016 conference before I ever set foot in Orlando. Word of the inaugural event in 2015 had spread like wildfire in my HR community, with many of my conference-weary colleagues proclaiming this event one of the best—if…
People Equation Quick Hits: Learning Nuggets from #WorkHuman 2016
For the past three days, I’ve been immersed in Globoforce’s WorkHuman conference. Have you ever been to a conference that was so amazing, you feel like you’re literally bursting at the seams with all the ideas? Yeah, that’s how I am right now, two hours after the conference wrapped. Watch for detailed coverage…