About six months ago, I met Anne Perschel and Marion Chapsal the way in which I meet many business colleagues these days—through social media. Over the past six months we’ve shared stories via email, conducted phone call conversations and commented on each other’s blogs. Several weeks ago, Anne began posting tweets on a “secret project” she and Marion were working on. Well, I’m pleased to say that the project is secret no more:
Announcing the NOW Leadership Carnival
Anne and Marion both have a passion for developing leaders. They believe that a new leadership style is emerging for the 21st century. The NOW Carnival explores what Anne and Marion have named the “third” way to lead. This leadership style is not strictly masculine or feminine. It’s a hybrid of the two that seeks to integrate the best of what a traditionally “male” or “female” style of leadership brings to the workplace. You can read more about it here.
I’m honored to be included in the inaugural edition of an ongoing discussion about gender and leadership in the workplace. In addition to posts by Marion and Anne, you’ll also see contributions by a talented group of folks from varied professional disciplines: Tim Hurson, Marcia Reynolds, Cherry Woodburn and Steve Blank. Their Twitter handles are listed at the bottom of this post.
In addition to the thought-provoking blog posts included in this carnival, Anne and Marion also need your feedback. They’ve named this blog carnival the NOW Leadership Carnival, but have not yet identified what “N.O.W” stands for. At this point, they are open to suggestions from their readership.
So—chime in. Give them your feedback on what you think leadership should look like in today’s workplace. And what could “NOW” mean to support that vision? Or, put your ideas in my comments section and I’ll be sure that Anne and Marion see them.
Twitter handles of the Leadership NOW contributors:
@bizshrink (Anne)
N.O.W.- New Ordered World
Yay, Trish, for being the first to make a suggestion! It’s great and I’ll be sure to cross-post it to Anne’s site.