My definition of networking is: “the purpose of networking is to connect people who have a mutual interest in developing a business relationship or assisting one another”. So with that framework in mind, I invite you to consider the following ideas, which I’ve playfully named “Miller’s Maxims”.
3 Insights into Workplace Politics
Guest Post by Bonnie Marcus, author of The Politics of Promotion. Politics is all about relationships, and it’s critical to build and nurture relationships with people who can positively impact your career. Be aware that politics rules and there are constant changes in the workplace dynamics that can trip you up if you aren’t aware…
Women and the Politics of Promotion
Research indicates that ambitious women are in a double bind—if they’re too aggressive, then they’re seen as threatening; if they’re too accommodating, they’re not seen as senior leadership material. Even though this bind is easing as more women assume top leadership roles, it’s still evident in many organizations, particularly those that are traditionally led by…
An Introvert’s Plan for Working a Room
Introvert + Global Company Meeting + Unfamiliar Peers = Increased Stress This is a “people equation” recently faced by my coaching client Pete. He was preparing to attend a company-wide, week-long symposium attended by colleagues from throughout the world. Adding to the stress was the fact that Pete’s department had recently reorganized. On the plus…
Influence – Your Secret Weapon for Career Success
I get a lot of emails that read like this: I was wondering if you have any advice for me. . . At work, I feel like I have more to offer, but my skills are under-used. In some ways, it seems like I’m “invisible”. You know, I have these really great ideas, but no one seems…