Oh, boy, is she gonna hate this. There’s a reason some heroes are unsung: they hate the publicity.
But I’m doing it anyway.
My friend (and card-carrying introvert) Lisa Rosendahl is being honored as 2017’s Tim Sackett Day recipient. What is Tim Sackett Day, you ask? It’s a day selected by blogger and entrepreneur Laurie Ruettimann to honor the unsung heroes of the human resources world.
Yes, yes, I know, we all love to hate HR – but truly, if you met Lisa you would revise your hateful opinion. Lisa is Cross-Fit loving, HR pro-turned-senior-leader who’s also a fiercely loving mom and wife. And she’s an Army veteran who keeps her marksman skills sharp with regular target practice. Several years ago, Lisa and a couple of HR friends launched the Women of HR website. She has since moved on as editor in chief, but her imprint on giving women a unique place to share their talents and expertise with a wider audience lives on.
Lisa and I share a passion for writing (as well as kids that are the same age), so we naturally gravitated towards one another when we first began this whole blogging and social media thing. From there, we graduated to Facebook messages, emails and eventually phone calls. I’m still waiting for the time when we’ll meet in real life (hence, no photo of the two of us together.) For now, I am content to seek her wise counsel via long distance.
Lisa Rosendahl has had a big influence on many people’s lives – in the digital world as a mentor to aspiring writers – and as a mentor and leader to those in her everyday life. But she’d never tell you that. So we fellow bloggers have taken it upon ourselves to recognize her good work.
If you want to follow her, here are some ways to do so:
Follow Lisa on Twitter.
Check out her LinkedIn profile.
And most of all – as a favor to all the unsung HR heroes out there- give your local HR rep a break. He or she probably isn’t nearly as evil as you think.
Jennifer, thanks for sharing.
Lisa, congrats. This is well deserved. I’m grateful for your efforts and contribution to make the work world a better place. You make a difference. Thanks.
Jennifer, this is so great. I am not giving up on a real life meeting – this will happen! I am honored to call you friend. Thank you Mike!
If you’re not giving up, neither am I!