Yesterday my friend and fellow HR blogger Robin Schooling tagged me in a Facebook post:
I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about until I clicked the link. Evidently Jeff Haden, a contributing editor at Inc. magazine picked up a post by author Kevin Kruse and ran it as “100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference.” My name is on the list. (What?!)
About a year ago, I interviewed Kevin when his book “Employee Engagement is for Everyone” came out. You can see the series of posts I wrote about Kevin’s thoughts on employee engagement here. He’s a really great guy with a fantastic sense of humor and a keen sense of business. Apparently, he’s also very generous, because he included my “no marquee” name on his list.
It’s a bit surreal to have my name appear with leadership luminaries such as Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Marshall Goldsmith, Jim Koezes, Barry Posner, John Kotter, Tom Peters and many more. For years, I studied their books, taught classes based on their leadership concepts and along the way, learned a great deal, not only from them, but from the people I taught.
Am I in the same league? Heck no! I chalk it up to swimming in the social media pool for the past five years and gaining access to an ever-growing cadre of people interested in the dynamic field of leadership development.
So, a big, heartfelt “thank you!” to Kevin for his endorsement . . .and if you haven’t seen this list yet, go on over and check it out. There are some great people on the list – several of whom I’m lucky to know personally.
Thank you so much, my friend! I appreciate the vote of confidence. You you are also one of those “surprise!” residents on that list – and deservedly so.
Hi, Kevin,
The list I’m referencing in this blog post is Jeff Haden’s list, which he pulled from the blog post that Kevin Kruse published on 12/7/2104.