Leaders are often reminded “what’s inspected gets done.” While this adage is typically applied to measurable task-related behaviors such as production goals, it’s also relevant for human elements of the workplace like interpersonal skills. As artificial intelligence makes further inroads into your daily work as a leader, you need to pay attention to soft-skill development…
How Leaders Can Create a Pocket of Excellence in a Toxic Workplace
Being a leader is tough enough, but downright demoralizing if you feel like you’re swimming upstream against the currents of a toxic workplace. If you want to stand apart and make a positive difference at work it might seem like you’re living in this weird, misshapen house where some of the doorways don’t lead anywhere,…
Are You Over-Functioning in Your Leadership Role?
Most people want to work for a caring boss. Not only is it more enjoyable, it’s good for your health, according to research by Stanford professor Jeffrey Pfeffer. Compassion is certainly a hallmark of leadership effectiveness. But can a leader care too much? Shelley Row, a professional engineer and former transportation executive believes that caring…
6 Leadership Tips for Not Being a Jerk at Work
A hard truth: at one time or another, we’ve all been a jerk at work. Maybe it was a looming deadline that finally snapped your last nerve. Or an issue from your home life seeped over into work and made you edgy and cranky. Whatever the reason, sometimes leaders are rude to others. It happens….
Approachable Leaders are a Beacon
As a leader, how do you let your team know you are available to them? Sure, you’ve probably said (more times than you can count) “I’m here if you need me.” But do you back those words up with actions that show you are not only available but approachable? That’s a distinction that merits exploration,…