Today I have a blog post featured at the Women of HR site. It’s a multi-contributor site featuring mostly women and a few brave men in the Human Resources profession who share their stories about how their work and personal lives intersect. It’s everything a good blog should be: funny, honest, compelling and occasionally inflammatory….
Are Your Workplace Traditions Like Grandma’s Roast?
Most likely, you’ve heard some variation of the following story: A young woman is getting ready to host her first big family gathering and wants to serve her grandmother’s “special recipe” roast. The woman calls her mother and asks for the recipe. The mother begins, “First you cut off both ends of the roast before…
Are You a Courageous Leader?
Google the words “leadership” and “courage” and you’ll get 10,500,000 search results. Clearly, it’s a hot topic. If you’re a leader, it’s likely that you don’t think of yourself as particularly brave— that description seems reserved for heroic acts, like saving someone’s life, right? But, it appears that perhaps you have more going for you…
Do People Care About Leadership Development?
So, here we are, on the last day of the year. I was curious which blog post resonated most with The People Equation readers in 2010, so I checked it out. A review of my WordPress stats revealed that the most-read post this year was 25 Free Leadership Development Resources. In fact, it was read…
The 2010 People Equation Influencers
During the month of December the blog world lights up, like a Christmas tree, aglow with “Best Of” lists and predictions for the new year. The People Equation even scored a nod this year with DDI World’s 20 Best Leadership Blog Posts for 2010. Of course, these lists are highly subjective and many people discount…