Here’s a trend I’ve noticed when getting introduced to people via technology requiring the written word—email, Linked In, Twitter. When I first introduce myself, people will often reply something to the effect of “nice to ‘meet’ you.” The quotation marks around the word meet are significant. The meaning I derive from those quotations marks are…
Are You a Nosy Neighbor?
Are you a nosy person? I wouldn’t typically describe myself this way. On any given day, I go about my work, mind my own business and basically try to respect people’s right to privacy. Except that doesn’t seem to apply to my social media use. At what point did I turn into Mrs. Kravitz? (You…
Are Your Learners Twitterpated?
We were at the dinner table the other night and my husband tossed out a word that was new to me: twitterpated. He assured me it was a real word and made reference to the Disney movie “Bambi“. I thought he was mocking my Twitter use, so I looked it up. Sure enough, the online…
The 3 P’s of Trying New Things
This weekend marked yet another milestone in what has unwittingly turned out to be the “Year of Trying New Things” for me. The tough economy (and we’ve had it pretty rough here in Michigan) has had an interesting effect—it’s pushed me to try new things. Rather than hunker down and try “business as usual”, I’ve…
Does Your Attitude Need a Surgeon General’s Warning?
How to prepare for the coming recovery by turning caution into action By Guest Blogger Dave Schrader As the recession wears on, I’ve begun seeing a pattern in some clients that may cost them dearly in the near future: fear and caution are silently working their way deep into the organization’s psyche. And those…