The March Frontline Festival is up at Karin Hurt’s Let’s Grow Leaders blog. As an homage to springtime, this month’s theme is “fresh insights on leadership.” As always the topics are wide-ranging, with 22 leadership writers weighing in on: False assumptions your boss makes about your career Your audience decides if your story is believable…
New at Making Presentations? Check out these Tips from the Pros
You’ve been asked to make a presentation at a meeting and it’s not something you do every day. If you’re feeling nervous, it’s understandable. Standing up in front of a group of people can be intimidating. You feel judged. It’s especially nerve-wracking if there are people in the audience you want to impress. It’s scary;…
4 Ways Leaders Can Bring Sanity Back to Their Team’s Workload
When you lead a team, there are two elements to productivity: managing your personal output and overseeing others’ workloads. And there’s no shortage of interruptions, distractions and organizational tomfoolery to make it seem like there’s no way you (or your team) will ever accomplish anything meaningful. On Smartblog on Leadership this month I write about the…
7 Things to Say When You Catch Someone Doing Something (Nearly) Right
A few years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing best-selling author and speaker Ken Blanchard. Last year Blanchard and co-author Spencer Johnson issued a revised version of their management classic The One Minute Manager. Titled The New One Minute Manager, the parable was tweaked to reflect the realities of today’s workplace. When we talked,…
Leaders Create Human Workplaces
I’ve worked with a lot of leaders. A few are card-carrying members of The Bad Boss Diaries but most of them are decent people. In the workplace, I’ve found that even good people sometimes make really stupid leadership decisions. And this sucks the humanity out of the workplace. So when an ad appeared in my…