I saw this quote in (of all places) the November/December 2012 print edition of WebMD. Normally, quotes attributed to Sarah Silverman aren’t a good fit for this blog. I really like her take on happiness, though, so I’m including it as this week’s Food for Thought Friday. Are you indulging in a similar form of…
Food for Thought Friday
Career Success and Paying Attention
Have you ever noticed that when you pay attention to something specific, more of that thing starts to show up? That happens with cars – buy a new car in trend-setting Kodiak Brown and as you drive home, you see three more cars on the road in that same exact color. It works that way…
Food for Thought Friday – Acclimating to Change
It’s autumn and the trees here in West Michigan are “doing their thing” and showing us all sorts of amazing color as they transform from summery green to blazing hues of ginger, red and gold. Earlier this week, I wrote about how trees probably don’t fret about the annual changes they go through. Humans, however,…
Food for Thought Friday – What Makes a Bad Boss?
How many bosses have you worked for? Do a mental tally – of those bosses, how many were what you’d call “bad” bosses? (You decide the definition of “bad”.) Would you do me a favor? Jot a few thoughts in the comments section to this statement: A bad boss is one…