The last time you hired* an employee, did you realize you both signed a contract? You say, wait, what? My company is an at will employer. We don’t do employment contracts. That may be true, but there’s this thing called a “psychological contract”, which is a “set of beliefs about what each party is entitled…
Workplace Issues
Are Your Career Choices Courageous or Cautious?
I was talking career choices the other day with a colleague whom I’ve known for 22 years. He has worked for the same company for the past 25 years. My job history has been more fluid – the past 22 years have seen me in a combination of corporate gigs and self-employment. My friend said…
7 Considerations for Launching ROWE at Your Company
Tech start up Funding Gates is completely sold on the ROWE management philosophy. I recently interviewed Funding Gates’ co-founder Ismail Cholak about leading a company using ROWE practices. I wondered: can larger companies realistically use the ROWE concepts? Ismail said that yes, even big companies like Best Buy are successfully using ROWE. As we talked,…
ROWE is a Success for This Tech Start Up
When Meredith Wood wrote the guest post Giving Employees Freedom to Inspire Creativity she opened up a rich dialog on The People Equation about the benefits of companies who adopt the “ROWE” (Results-Only Work Environment) philosophy. Meredith works for Funding Gates, an online receivables management platform for small businesses. As a tech start up, Funding…
Even a Miserable Job Can Pay Well
Earlier this week, it was Labor Day, our country’s holiday celebrating the American worker. We all have Jobs We’d Rather Forget stories. Bad bosses, conniving co-workers, filthy or dangerous work conditions. . .most of us experience at least one doozey in our lifetime. They make for good stories, but only after the fact. And, if…