If you work in a call center, would you like to bring your baby to work? No, not drop him off at an onsite daycare, but have Junior sit right alongside you, for all to see and interact with? According to a post on the Today Moms site, a company in the United Kingdom did…
Workplace Issues
Flexible Work Schedules – Do You Have One?
Does your boss care if you’re late to work? If he or she is a “manage by the whites of their eyes” type boss, then most likely the answer is yes. However, it’s more likely that if you work in an office environment, your boss will grant you some flexibility in the name of work-life…
Why You Should Care About the Office A$$hole
You may suspect that the arrogant, hyper-critical jerk guy in the office next to you is overcompensating for a lack of something, but what? Turns out it’s not a lack of basic human decency, but instead it’s most likely a self-esteem deficit. According to research cited on the I/O at Work site (I/O = Industrial…
Keeping the Buck: Fighting the Urge to Blame Others by Taking Responsibility in the Workplace
A guest post by Melissa Crossman It’s only natural for people to not want to admit their failures, but at a certain point “passing the buck” becomes a deterrent to productivity in the workplace. On top of being a fruitless discussion, determining who’s to blame for setbacks at work creates unnecessary animosity among coworkers and…
What Do You Need to Do Your Job Better?
From time to time, I like to check in with my readers and find out: what do you need to do your job better? What types of information can I share with you that will help you master the people equation? If you’d do me the favor of taking this brief poll, I’ll get to…