Guest Post by Phil Buckley Confidence is the most important trait leaders can draw upon when leading change. They need to be confident that they are looking at the right information, making the right decisions and giving people the right support to take on new routines. Confidence enables focus, builds momentum and inspires people to…
Employee Engagement is for Everyone
This is a multi-part series on employee engagement based on my interview with New York Times best-selling author Kevin Kruse. As a former business owner and winner of a “Best Place to Work” award, Kevin has a wealth of real-life experience. I found him to be funny, down-to-earth and very reasonable in his approach to…
5 Ways Leaders Build a Culture of Trust
Is your organization built on a culture of trust? Look around you; there are plenty of clues as to whether trust abounds. How quickly are decisions made? How many people do you copy (or worse, bcc) on e-mails? Do executives check in on the “troops” even when on vacation? Given that 82% of workers don’t…
Daily Ways to be a Mannerly Manager
Emily Post, considered by many to have helped shaped societal etiquette norms in the latter half of the 20th century, once said: “Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor.” I love the link between “manners” and “honor”! Here’s…