Earlier this week, it was Labor Day, our country’s holiday celebrating the American worker. We all have Jobs We’d Rather Forget stories. Bad bosses, conniving co-workers, filthy or dangerous work conditions. . .most of us experience at least one doozey in our lifetime. They make for good stories, but only after the fact. And, if…
The Dignity of Work
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the American holiday of Labor Day is “dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.1″ Thank you to all of those who work so very hard and in the process, make others’ lives that much safer, educational and easy. Happy Labor Day. 1 http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/laborday.htm …
Self Improvement – Are You Progressing?
What the Heart Knows
The heart knows what it wants. You just have to listen. Take for example these fun salt-and-pepper shakers I picked up on our vacation last year in northern Michigan. I loved them at first sight. My head said, “No place to put them. More clutter. Too tchotchke.” So, I walked out…