Marcus Buckingham wants to teach women how to live a “strong” life. He says a strong life is one in which you are able to discern the activities which energize you, catch those moments and cradle them so that you feel fulfilled—personally and professionally. That’s a pretty tall order, especially when coming from a man….
Personal Boundaries
Not Everyone’s a Critic
Not everyone’s a critic, but some days it sure feels like it. Case in point: in my community this year some very enterprising philanthropists organized a fantastic event called ArtPrize. The event opened September 23, 2009. In essence, it’s an art competition with an “open source” feel. Artists from anywhere in the world are eligible…
No Monkeys!
One of our family’s all-time favorite movies is Toy Story 2. The end of the movie features “out takes” showing the characters’ bloopers. My favorite out take is the one where Mrs. Potato Head is helping Mr. Potato head pack for his big adventure to go rescue Woody. She very helpfully says, “I’ve packed your…