Are your leadership challenges a study in personal growth? Or are they more like a test of wills, with you forcefully moving ahead, trying to seek resolution as quickly as possible? Struggling can seem a lot like thrashing about, trying to free yourself from a constricting situation. Challenge (and yes, sometimes even failure) is a…
Personal Effectiveness
Gen Y and Leadership – Young Professionals Speak Up
Are young professionals unwilling to step up to leadership in the same way as their older counterparts have? That’s the issue on the table in Filling the Leadership Pipeline – Developing the Reluctant Emerging Leader, an article I wrote for Huffington Post. The article’s premise is that there are plenty of talented, willing younger workers…
The Neuroscience of Leadership – Are You Causing People Pain?
When your employees make a bonehead mistake, do you give them a good whack upside the head to show them the error of their ways? No of course you don’t. If you’re a good boss (and I know you are) even though you might be tempted to give them a little thump, instead you offer…
Toward a Growth Mindset
By Guest Blogger Becky Robinson Note from Jennifer: Today’s post is by my friend Becky Robinson, whom I’ve enjoyed getting to know over the past four years. I’m featuring this guest post because I’m fascinated by the topic of a “growth mindset”. Plus, the book that inspired this post (see below) is a great read….
Hate Sheryl Sandberg if You Must, But Still Lean In
Sheryl Sandberg’s much-talked about book Lean In drops today. Judging from the commentary in the pre-launch media blitz, the general population isn’t buying Ms. Sandberg’s assertion that by “leaning in” women can achieve greater career satisfaction and possibly even a wider leadership role. She’s been vilified as a “raging egomaniac” and a coat-tail rider by some…