When you lead a team, there are two elements to productivity: managing your personal output and overseeing others’ workloads. And there’s no shortage of interruptions, distractions and organizational tomfoolery to make it seem like there’s no way you (or your team) will ever accomplish anything meaningful. On Smartblog on Leadership this month I write about the…
Beliefs, Deadlines and Productivity Measurements
Before I interviewed Hyrum W. Smith for his new book The 3 Gaps, I asked my Facebook friends to submit questions for the best-selling author and former CEO of Franklin Covey. He graciously extended our interview to field those questions. If you’ve never heard Hyrum Smith speak, here’s what you need to know: he’s energetic,…
Closing the 3 Gaps – A Blueprint for Inner Peace
Hyrum Smith’s teachings have had a profound impact on the way I prioritize my life. As a young professional, I recall listening to an audio tape on how to effectively use the Franklin Planner time management system. Hyrum, then the founder of the Franklin Institute, was a charismatic speaker who was passionate about helping people…
Reinvigorate Your Leadership Goals with 60 x 6
Did your New Year’s resolutions include being a better leader? Perhaps not exactly, but if you’re like the many people who want to “get more organized”—it’s the #2 resolution according to research by University of Scranton—then there are opportunities to up your leadership game. But it won’t happen automatically: a mere 8% of people say…
9 Hidden Benefits of Showing Up
Inspiration of the “aha!” sort is a capricious companion at best, and waiting for inspiration to strike before taking action leads to missed opportunities. Not feeling at all inspired by the task at hand? Here are nine reasons to “show up” and find a way to make meaning out of your work. Thanks to my…