When my son was three years old, he and I had a wonderful teachable moment while shopping. As we left the grocery store with our purchases, I realized that a greeting card I meant to buy had slipped down into the shopping cart. I hadn’t yet paid for it. “Oh, we need to go back…
4 Tired Resume Clichés to Avoid
Guest post by Abby Perkins Sure, you’re an “enthusiastic worker” with “passion and drive.” But what does that mean? Does that really say anything about who you are as a person – or as an employee? Using clichés that makes you sound like a super employee – without providing any evidence to back it up…
Social Intelligence – It’s Hardly Ever About You
It’s hardly ever about you. That’s a key take-away I gleaned from GRAPE’s October presenter, leadership coach Tamara Rosier, who spoke about “Social Intelligence: What it Is and Why It Matters”. Now, you might think that I’m talking about selfishness (or selflessness) but in the context of social intelligence, it’s really about how much we…
Riding the Rapids of Change in Your Professional Life
These past few months, I’ve been reading about how two of the largest trade associations in my field have been experiencing growing pains. Or perhaps, more aptly put, they’ve been experiencing “changing pains.” If you follow SHRM, then no doubt, you’ve read about the kerfuffle caused when SHRM announced the creation of their own credentialing…
There is No Such Thing as an Ideal Leader
Looking back, I can now see it for what it was: there was some serious hero-worship going on. At the time, it didn’t really feel that way, because it was my boss. If you would have asked me before “the incident”, I would have said that I was doling out well-deserved respect to my work…