Have you noticed that some women seem loathe to receive a compliment? It’s almost like one-upping in reverse: who can denigrate themselves the fastest in a conversation? If deflecting compliments was a sport, some women would be Olympic gold medal contenders. Case in point: in a comedy sketch shown on Comedy Central’s Inside Amy Schumer,…
Workplace Dynamics
Leadership Development Carnival – Speed Development Edition
This month’s Leadership Development Carnival is being hosted by Dan McCarthy at his blog Great Leadership. Why “speed leadership development”? Dan likens it to speed dating – 30 leadership development posts in 90 minutes worth of reading. No time like the present to activate your thinking around interesting leadership content. Check out topics like: Millenials…
Feedback and Coaching – April 2013 Frontline Festival
Feedback and coaching – that’s the focus for the April “Front Line Festival” leadership blog carnival, hosted by Karin Hurt (aka @LetsGrowLeaders). Karin is a practicing leader for a Fortune 15 company and she writes the blog Let’s Grow Leaders. There are oh-so-many great posts to help you develop yourself and others as a leader. Karin has them…
A Shift in Leadership Thinking
In part one of this series, Turning the Hierarchy Upside Down author Marilyn Jacobson and I discussed the central premise of her book, Turning the Pyramid Upside Down: A New Leadership Model. Dr. Jacobson posits that in the global, hyper-connected business environment executives must redistribute power to get the maximum number of minds focusing on…
Trust as a Renewable Resource
According to a trust infographic I published last week, trust is a scarce resource. But it doesn’t have to be. The stats in this infographic challenged me to think about how to look at trust not as a finite commodity, but rather a renewable resource – one that grows abundantly if given the proper nuturing….