Research shows a strong link between employee engagement, management ethics and employees’ trust in their leaders. No surprise, right? As a leader, you’ve got all the easy bases covered: don’t lie, steal or cheat. But what about those gray areas—the one where you had good intentions, but something got in the way of you completely…
Why Leaders Must Go Beyond Strategy to Grow Their Business
Research indicates that once a company grows beyond the entrepreneurial phase, new leadership traits are needed to continue along the growth curve. Most senior executives in mid-size organizations have a solid handle on strategy and how to go to market, but they often lack vital people skills to build their growing workforce. If you are…
How to Improve the Quality of Leadership Development
Is leadership development a waste of time? Some might say “yes”, that formal leadership training isn’t worth the time and effort. Of course, as a former corporate trainer and a current leadership development consultant, you probably can guess where I fall in response to that question. Leadership development is important, but it takes many forms….
Are You Using the Right Type of Leadership Power?
Every leader has two types of power, and knowing when to use each type will determine your leadership success. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines power as, “possession of control, authority, or influence over others.” Now, if you are an enlightened leader, most likely you will shudder at these words in reference to your leadership approach….
6 Truths about Training and Development
Helping people learn new things is super-fun. It isn’t always easy, but it’s always gratifying. For over two decades, I was a corporate trainer, conducting in-person learning programs and later, webinars, to a wide array of employees. I’ve facilitated programs in warehouses, stuffy conference rooms, outdoors, and with simultaneous translation to groups of non-English speakers….