Have you ever noticed that when you pay attention to something specific, more of that thing starts to show up? That happens with cars – buy a new car in trend-setting Kodiak Brown and as you drive home, you see three more cars on the road in that same exact color. It works that way…
Personal Effectiveness
Optimism – We Made It to Another Day
If you’re reading this, then clearly the doomsday predictions based on the Mayan calendar haven’t come true. Whew! Although the pessimists say that in actuality, we have until December 21st to find out. We’ll see about that. Ever the optimist, I wrote this post yesterday and scheduled it for today. We lived to see…
How to Receive a Compliment Graciously
When my daughter was three years old, she received a darling coffee mug with her name on it as a gift from a relative. Her reaction was less than optimal. With frowning face, she said loudly in front of the gift-giver and the rest of the family: “But Mommy, I already have this cup. What…
The Equation for Powerful Personal Outcomes
A new year is upon us in twenty-three days. How will 2013 look different for you than this year did? The answer largely depends on choice. If you want to achieve something different, what will you choose to do differently? Goal-setting is an important part of choosing a new path. My…
Manage Holiday Stress at Work
Life at the office can be stressful during the holidays. Personal development guru Tony Robbins had a great segment on the Today Show a few weeks ago in which he talks about the “growth” factor. People who suffer serious set-backs and still manage to see the growth opportunity are those that thrive during difficult times.Tony…