This post is part of a series on positive office politics, or what we’re calling The P Quotient. It’s a collaborative effort with fellow bloggers Jane Perdue, Mike Henry and Susan Mazza. Jane kicked off the series with a look at the competencies cited as key to being politically astute. She also takes a swipe at the myth that politics in the office is a bad thing. Check out the full post here.
One of the four behaviors resident in people who “play politics” in a positive way (as identified by researchers at the University of Florida) is networking. Because I spend a lot of time giving keynotes on the topic of networking, Jane reached out to me for my perspective on the topic.
Two Types of Networking
If you are in sales, or are job seeking, then it’s a no-brainer: networking should play a key part in your outreach strategy. Connection-making if this sort is external networking. See my blog posts here and here for tips on how to network outside your organization.
Even if your job rarely requires you to interact outside your company walls, you still need know how to network. That’s where internal networking comes into play. Internal networking is when you reach out to colleagues within your organization, even if your job doesn’t require you to do so. It’s going beyond your normal scope of job responsibilities. Being an internal networker means you are looking outside your immediate, day-to-day activities and thinking about how you can connect with and create value for others in your company.
Many of the same principles apply for both external and internal networking, but there’s a nuance to the internal process that’s unique. Let’s explore why it’s important to distinguish between the two types of networking.
What Makes Internal Networking Different?
It comes down to mindset: people have expectations about what various job roles “should” be. For example, people expect outside sales reps and job seekers to be making phone calls and attending industry functions. It’s seen as a required part of their daily work. With internal networking, however, the mindset shifts. People are a bit more leery of employees and leaders who seek connections beyond their daily scope. These activities are often perceived as “sucking up” or “playing politics”. The differentiator, as Jane points out in her introduction to positive office politics is that effective internal networkers are those who are always going for the win-win. They create connections because they believe that reaching out to others will help all involved, including the company.
How Can I Improve My Internal Networking?
The first thing you need to do is a quick mental audit: what’s my mindset on internal networking? If you’re still stuck in the mentality of “networking is for kiss-ups” then the tips below won’t help. Take a moment and remember a time when you successfully made a connection beyond your department boundaries. Think about how you benefitted and the other person did too. In the right frame of mind now?
Great. Here are some ideas:
- Have a decent relationship with your boss? Ask her (or him) to give you a few ideas on other leaders who you should get to know in the company. The purpose would be to broaden your business acumen and learn from another leader in the company. Who knows, maybe it will turn into an informal mentoring situation. Plus, it helps to know other business unit leaders if you want to switch job functions in the future.
- Make a list of key players in your organization that you would like to get to know. It’s OK if the list has only 3 people. If you’re not comfortable inviting them to meet, find a person who knows both of you and ask person to make an introduction. Arrange to have a coffee break or lunch with the purpose of getting to know what you both do for your jobs.
- When people are promoted, receive an award, or otherwise achieve something, send congratulations. A quick congratulatory email to someone (even if you don’t know them well) will go a long way towards showing that you are paying attention beyond your cubicle’s four walls.
- Been assigned to a cross-functional project team? If you’re unfamiliar with the work of the project team members, suggest that one of the initial project team meetings be an “infomercial” of sorts. Have each team member do a 2 minute recap of their role back at their desk. Not only will you learn more about your project team members, you’ll also quickly gather data that may head off miscommunications or misperceptions for the project.
- Talk up other people’s accomplishments. When in department meetings, be sure to praise other teammates’ wins. Do the same for people in other departments who have helped you out. Word will spread that you’re a team player, one who’s not afraid to share credit.
Networking inside your company’s walls does not mean that you’ll garner a reputation for being a gamer. Rather, if you keep others’ interests in mind, you will be seen as someone who’s willing to lend a hand. The well-connected person creates value for all.
Photo credit: © Chris Lamphear
Jennifer, great post…this is an important discussion as politics can be an important and productive energy source for getting great work done and we, as employers and employees, have the ability to reframe how we all perceive politics through our every day actions.
I would build on your idea and add seeking a mentor as a great way to network within a company along with volunteering for company cultural activities, such as the company picnic, affinity groups, etc.
I look forward to the next blog installment!
Jennifer – a great list of tips and pointers to help leaders hone their “inside the walls” networking and relationship building!
Jennifer, thanks for the great post! I do think it’s key that we initiate key relationships across the organization for the purpose of win-win. The only minor point I’d make is that internal networking (for win-win) really is within your normal scope of responsibilities. If internal networking makes you better at your job, and it makes anyone in the company better at their job, then I’d say it was implied in any job description. (Maybe that’s another series, about unstated job responsibilities like being the best you can be.)
Thanks to Deb, Jane and Mike for stopping by the People Equation!
Deb, I love your suggestion of seeking out a mentor. It’s an excellent one!
Mike, ooh– you’ve made me think about this a bit. Are you providing a caution to professionals to be sure their networking adds value and is just not a “connection grab”?
Great suggestions for how to develop relationships “outside of your cubicle walls”. And as you point out, networking, whether internal or external, is about adding value. Another idea I’ll add is to look for opportunities to participate on projects outside of your work group.
That’s a great suggestion! When I worked in corporate America, I always made sure my work team leader knew I was up for cross-functional team assignments. Also, working on committees for things like the company picnic or the March of Dimes fundraiser connects you to people beyond your department.
Thanks for stopping by!