I’m reading the book Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox. When I this read quote, I was struck the notion that fear-based motivation is the “easy” way out. Building respect takes more time, but in the long run, is more effective. Food for Thought: are people being…
Career Success and Paying Attention
Have you ever noticed that when you pay attention to something specific, more of that thing starts to show up? That happens with cars – buy a new car in trend-setting Kodiak Brown and as you drive home, you see three more cars on the road in that same exact color. It works that way…
Simplicity and a Happy Life
“Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life.” – Marcus Aurelius An excellent reminder for me this time of year – it’s the smallest things that bring the most joy. Every year, when we decorate for Christmas, the placement of “Santa Egg” brings on much discussion. Santa Egg is a…
The Electricity of Gratitude
On this day of Thanksgiving, I wish for you many reasons to be grateful. Blessings,
Are You Ready for a New Path?
I took this photo a few days ago. It’s a path that leads to one of my favorite places. Where is your favorite “place”? Is it in any way connected to your current life’s work? You don’t always get to choose the exact route, but you can choose your outlook about the journey. I’m choosing…