I asked people, “What makes a bad boss?”
Roy Atkinson came up with this gem:
A bad boss is terrific to learn from: do the opposite of everything they do and you will do well.
Here are 26 “bad boss” behaviors – flipped and turned into positive qualities.
A good boss:
- Respects me as an individual
- Clearly tells me what is expected of me
- Allows me to make decisions
- Takes action when there is a roadblock preventing me from doing my job
- Has integrity and character that guides his/her decision making
- Delegates and then lets me do my job
- Is about the “we”, not the “me”
- Does not treat me like I’m inferior
- Avoids micromanaging
- Has the backbone to stand up for his/her team
- Leads by example
- Listens
- Is self-aware
- Has the courage to do the right thing by his/her people
- Has let go of “command and control” type management
- Is consistent – does what they say they will do
- Has your back
- Gives you the tools you need to do your job
- Matches his/her behavior to the individual’s needs
- Avoids gossip
- Is resolute
- Avoids jealousy
- Rarely, if ever, shows anger
- Is secure
- Communicates
- Is happy
How many of these qualities have you demonstrated this week? Have you inadvertently slipped and done the opposite? Hey, relax, you’re human. As Mike Henry said when he replied to my “bad boss” question – “Disclaimer – I’ve done many of these [bad boss] suggestions myself, if anyone’s counting.”
We all have.
That’s why it’s good to do an intentional check-in every so often.
Question – what would you add to the “good boss” list?
My thanks to those who offered their input on my Facebook page, Twitter feed and here on The People Equation.
I appreciate you!
In alphabetical order, by first name:
Barbara Giamanco @BarbaraGiamanco
Bev Davis @BevsCornbread
Frances Ferguson
Guy Farmer @guyfarmer
Jane Perdue @thehrgoddess
Mike Henry @MikeHenrySr
Nabomita @nabomita_smiles
Paul McConaughy @minutrition
Prasad Reddy
Roy Atkinson @RoyAtkinson
Russ Knight @Dangerruss70
Suzie @aceconcierge
Wayne McEvilly @Waynemcvilly
Learning the hard way does have its advantages…there are a lot qualities in the list that are hinged on the security level of an individual. They are professional skills that a characteristic of a manager that understands the difference between leadership and management and knowledge of when to use the different skills sets.